Monday, 29 July 2013

Deadlight [1.0] +5 Trainer [FLiNG]

Deadlight is a new 2.5D survival platformer game that is very fun to play. But to make it more fun, you can use this small +5 trainer that you can use to become immortal, to increase your stamina, to get a lot of ammunition and to shoot without reloading gun, and you’ll be able to teleport to stored location and back.

Trainer Hotkeys:
Numpad 1: Infinite Health
Numpad 2: Infinite Stamina
Numpad 3: Infinite Ammo
Numpad 4: No Reload
Numpad .: Save Location
Numpad +: Teleport
Numpad -: Undo Teleportation
Home Key: Disable All


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